Tuesday, March 10, 2009

smooth sailing....

well, this has been a good week. actually a great week. my first solo at home (when ben is at work) and i think i managed pretty well. minus the personal hygiene. =) that has to wait until ben gets home and can take over. marley is a very happy baby and very easy going, so far. she's a little buddha.
we went for another check up yesterday to see if she had caught up weight wise. she has. she's gained almost a pound in one week! she went from 7 pounds 9 ounces to 8 pounds 8 ounces. yea! no more worries about feeding. the doctor says she looks great and we don't need to go back again until she is 8 weeks old for her shots.
the jeep got a bit of a wearing in yesterday. after marley's doctor's appointment and before myne, she got hungry. so i fed her in the backseat of the jeep. well as she was feeding, she pooped. this happens pretty regularly. and i thought, all cockily, hey i can change a diaper in the backseat of a car. so off went the old dirty diaper and before i could get the new one on, marley is just peeing everywhere! and then it turned out she wasn't done pooping yet. so i am frantically holding napkins to her butt, trying to keep the poop off of her, me and the car. i gave up on the pee. that just went everywhere. she loves to pee as soon as the diaper is off (thank god she's not a boy), but apparently i am the only one she likes to poop on. c'est la vie. i'm washable. she had on the cutest outfit from my grandma too, but we had to switch to a nightie after the incident.
my doctor's appointment went great. i have the green light for everything except for lifting anything heavier than marley. which means omar is defintntly out of the question. =)
we also met with the pastor that is doing the baptism yesterday. he is a chatty cathy. the bishop will be in town that sunday and i think a bell choir will also be playing. not sure about a reception afterwards yet. it will happen somewhere...
i also got to have my first beer in over nine months yesterday. a stella artois. it was pretty wonderful. (and yes it is perfectly safe to have a beer while breastfeeding. the timing is what is important... and the quanity) so yesterday was a big day and marley slept so well last night. she was just happy as can be during all the different outings...
more pictures soon...

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