Saturday, December 19, 2009

10 months old today

marley mae is 10 months old today! she is loving living at granny's house...we made it here on monday after a very long three day car trip. very long. bless ben for being able to drive while towing the honda. he drove 1224 miles. i drove 10. but we had good weather, which if we had waited a week we wouldn't have been so lucky. it's beautiful, sunny, and 60 here. god bless texas. ben has already had one interview, which went really well, and has another one monday morning. so keep those fingers crossed for us. louie has discovered squirrels in granny's backyard and is practicing constant vigilance. he ripped his dew claw and has already had a trip to the vet, but after hamming it up, seems to be back to his old self. i have a trip to the dentist planned for tuesday. woo hoo, yet another cavity. hopefully not a root canal. kirby flies in on wednesday, so it's going to be a busy week. here are a few photos of ms mae in granny's kitchen. she's helping us bake cookies.

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