Sunday, October 24, 2010

what a week!

all the age 0-2 costumed kiddies
just chillin while waiting for the winners to be announced
she's a natural on the stage
this is her look of disdain. fiona kept trying to kiss her and marley did not appreciate it.
little red riding hood

we have had a crazy week here. monday marley was sick. tuesday we went to the doctor to find out about simba and as we left the doc's office we got a frantic call from my mom. marley had broken out in hives. apparently this is common when really young kids get sick. and then wednesday both ben and i were hit hard with a stomach virus, apparently the one marley had. it was awful. i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. thank god for my mom. she came over to the rescue and took care of us and played with marley. ben bounced back pretty quickly, as he always does, but i didn't feel 100% until yesterday. and unfortunately my mom came down with it yesterday. oops. but i returned the favor and delivered her some get better things. she sounds better today. yesterday afternoon we went to a fall fun day, thrown my a local day school. marley wore her costume and incidentally, won the costume contest. well, of course she did. my mom made her costume and it was perfect. although there were lots of cute little ones there. marley was a bit over stimulated, thus the deer in head lights look, but she seemed to have a great time.

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