Wednesday, December 18, 2013

oh christmas tree

we went and cut ours down yesterday.  it's a shortie for ben and i, who tend to over estimate the height of our ceilings, but much bigger than the three footer marls was pulling for.  norman had his two week check up today,  everything looks great, though he is still not up to his birth weight again.  closer.  and i think we over came a big nursing hurdle, so it shouldn't take long for him to catch up.  last week my emotions were everywhere, going from crying to panic and back again.  this week has been much better.  happy.  i remember after davis was born, ben had to go to work and my mom wasn't due over for an hour or so.  well, i had a total melt down b/c i couldn't handle two kids at once.  this time around seems to be going much smoother so far.  i always heard that the transition from one to two kids is the hardest, maybe there's some truth to that.  or maybe i'm just more confident and comfortable in my mothering capabilities.  either way, things are good.  better than good.  the doctor had this to say to us today:  now that you have three kids, i recommend heavy drinking.  :)

 girl means business with a bat.
 trouble.  shenanigans. sisters.
 no matter what i do, doodle's hair does this by abt mid day

 i think she might be channeling einstein.
 driving her boat to canada.  that was the game yesterday.

 family of five.  consider this your virtual christmas card.

 seriously, how stinkin cute is she?!

the gave them candy canes.

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