Thursday, March 1, 2018


Monday morning, bright and early, Norman and I headed to College Station to do the dreaded food test with Norman.  He passed a blood test.  He passed a skin test.  This was the last step to decalre him totally tree nut allergy free.  I was super anxious about it all, but didn't show it so Norman wouldn't be worried.  We get to the office and the doctor started in on this long drawn out story about a little girl that died doing a food test at a pediatric hospital in Georgia.  And then he laughed and said, well that's the worst case scenario.  Yeah it is.  But we pushed on. 
 Muffin with mom Tuesday morning.  It was also hat day at school.

 Norman was more excited to be up high and look out than worried about eating nuts. 
 We started with an eighth of a cashew and every fifteen minutes worked up to a bigger size, ending with five whole cashews. 
 Who outgrew his tree nut allergy?  This guy!  Only between 9-14% of kids outgrow their tree nut allergies.  So excited he was one of the lucky ones.
 This rain had us climbing the walls.  So we decided to camp inside this past weekend.

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