Tuesday, February 8, 2011

a mini scare

well ben and i had a little mini scare with simba yesterday. i had a couple of contractions. we went to the doctor and everything is fine. as long as i don't have more than six in an hour i am ok. i just need to remember to not go full steam ahead all the time. it had been a long weekend, so that was probably it. marley and i spent the weekend in austin with my bestie meshell. it was fun and sad all at the same time. meshell and i had a mutual friend die last week and we went to austin for the service. he was a guy i went to high school with, but didn't really know until college. younger than me, not even 30 yet. very very sad. his wife was holding it together much better than i would have been able to. i can't even imagine being her right now. so tragic and unneccesary. after the service we went on an eating binge. hitting up our favorite spots. magnolia cafe and amy's ice cream. it was good. and marley was a trooper. she had a great time. the service was at zilker park, nothing formal, so she was fine there. marley likes ice cream, but sin't crazy about it. she had a couple of bites of mine and meshell's but that was it. she was wound up when we got to the hotel though. her and meshell were jumping on the beds. marley just loves her aunt meshell. we stayed at a four star hotel, super fancy pants that we are. had room service and everything. it was nice to have some girl time. we don't do that often enough. marley was really funny as she was winding down to sleep. she was just jibber jabbering non stop. non sense noise. and then snoring. it was like a switch was flicked. and in the morning she opened her eyes looked at me and grinned, then saw meshell and grinned even more and was ready to take off again. toddler energy is amazing. my friend tim has energy like a toddler. on full speed or off. we ended our trip to austin at the perfect spot, my favorite restaurant. little mexico. oh so good. i have pictures, but yesterday got hectic what with going to the doc and all and i forgot to pick them up. maybe later on today.

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