Friday, June 24, 2011

what is normal?

it's crazy how quickly your definition of normal can change.  yesterday i caught myself saying how nice and cool it felt outside.  it was 94 degrees.  and it did feel nice and cool, in comparison to the norm of  late of 100 plus degrees.  i never thought i would think that 94 is nice.  we are settling in to our new normal here quite nicely. 
nursing her baby
 so i have weird feelings about marley nursing her babies.  we gave marley a baby to teach her and help her learn how to care for the new baby that was about to join us.  so, in that sense, she has caught on gang busters.  it just seems like such an adult thing to do.  but so is changing diapers and caring for babies.  in my experience we have a weird dynamic in our society.  we acknowledge that breast milk is best for babies.  if you can, you should breast feed.  but at the same time, we don't actually want people to breast feed their babies.  it's fine if you go into the bathroom, or another room, but never in public.  we treat nursing like it's a shameful activity, something dirty to be hidden from view.  i don't agree with that and i don't practice that.  so i should encourage marley to nurse as much as i encourage her to take care of her babies in other ways. 

davis with sophie at the pool

granny and marley at the bluebell pool

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