Wednesday, November 23, 2011


tomorrow is thanksgiving.  happy turkey day.  thank you.  my life is full of blessings and i am so thankful  for all of them.  my family is amazing.  i talked to my brother on the phone today for an hour and a half.  and we still had more to say.  i love that.  i hate that we are far apart, but i love that when we talk, it's like we're not.  i went to my mom's house to help make cornbread and was blessed with a nap.  it was just long enough to revive my sagging tookus.  ben is off of work for FOUR days.  in a row!  it's gonna be awesome.  his birthday is friday, thursday is turkey day, and sunday we are going to santa's wonderland.  but i am sure somewhere in there we will find time to just relax and enjoy.  davis tried bananas today and they were a hit.
mmmm nanas
 i am thankful for my girls.  and the opportunity to be their momma.
tired tired angels.
so eat, drink, be merry.  and while this holiday was started by pilgrims infecting natives, remember it was started to be an expression of thanks.  so take a minute and say thank you to the universe.  and those you love.

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