Sunday, June 17, 2012

overwhelmed and awesome

so i have had so many things going on lately and they have all involved my camera.  so i am quite backlogged in photos to add here.  and tomorrow granny, marley, davis and i are off on an adventure!  we are headed to the dallas area for marley to perform at nationals.  we say perform, not compete, b/c it is all about having fun.  marley loves the stage and loves to dance, so why not?  no, we are not going all toddlers and tiaras over here.  worry not.  she had a blast a regionals, so off we go. 
i had a great ribbon cutting and grand opening weekend at the studio.  quite a few things lined up in the next couple of weeks.  thank you so much to everyone who helped pull this off. 
and on to some photos....
gg stopped by to check out the new studio space a while back.  couldn't let her get away without some photos of her and the girls.

the birthday girl on the morning of her birthday at breakfast.

caught sneaking....

maybe if i'm cute they won't notice...

drama momma

granny and her girls at the grand opening

davis loves her some uncle reece

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