Saturday, July 9, 2011


ben and i spent the most amazing night together last entire hours of uninterupted sleep.  i can not begin to describe how awesome it was.  and yesterday was super stressful, so it was much needed and much deserved.i can only hope it wasn't a fluke and davis (and marley) will continue to sleep so well.  but i'm not counting on it.
we had a tent/fort day

inside the awesome fort i made marls

what marley's been screaming

that's right.  i did it.  i dressed them in matching outfits.

marley's first french braid.
so yesterday.  sigh.  where to begin?  well, i thought i was being brave and decided to run errands with marley and davis.  not many but marley woke up at 3am (why is it always 3am?  what's wrong with 3pm?) with a very upset tummy and we needed some medicine.  i got home and was feeling pretty good about it all.  and then marley had to go to the bathroom.  and she started to cry while she was peeing.  uh oh.  uti.  i called the doctor and they wanted me to bring her in for a check to make sure.  great.  so i am going from my first solo outing with the two girls around town, to a 45 minute solo car ride with the girls, one being sick.  aaaahhh.  when i talked to the doc marley was still acting fine but before we left she crashed.  no fever.  just obviously wasn't feeling well.  she fell asleep while i was reading to her.  she never does that unless she's sick.  she doesn't even want a nap anymore.  so my worry gene kicked in.  she slept the whole way to college station and my imagination worked overtime.  i mean i was thinking the worst.  i was almost in tears.  marley is never sick and twice in one week was not good.  but the doctor did not seem concerned.  marley was very brave, something she usually isn't at the doc's.  i had the unique expereince of collecting a urine sample from a toddler.  hmmm.  i'll just say that was an experience and leave it at that.  we won't know the complete results until monday, but it prelimarily showed signs of bacteria.  so we started an antibiotic.  amoxicillin.  which i am allergic to.  so another thing to worry about.  but we gave it to her and watched her like a hawk and she was fine.  so yea!  no pcn allergy.  all in all, no big deal.  but enough of a deal to remind me how lucky we are to have such good health.  and such a big brave girl like marley.

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