Friday, July 8, 2011


i don't think i can be grossed out anymore.  at least not by bodily functions.  we have gone thru them this week.  i mean i have been puked on, pooped on, peed on, you name it.  marley has got an upset tummy today.  i think we will be running to and from the toilet all day.  let's just hope it stays a strictly butt problem.  she is acting fine, so i think it might be something she ate, although i haven't figured out what.  on the other hand her friend juliet had diarrhea on saturday when we saw her.  but this seems like an awfully long incubation time.  who knows?  let's just hope it is over with quickly!
yesterday was my first full day on my own while ben was at work.  and it was awesome.  we had a great day.  we built a fort and read books most of the day.  i have two very sweet girls.  to celebrate we went out to dinner and it was also a success.  no whiny babies for us.  at least not last night.  here's hoping today goes as well, especially since i now have to make a quick run to the store.  what i need is about five more arms and 10x more energy.

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