Tuesday, August 9, 2011

baptism portraits.

so i didn't do this on the day she got baptised.  it's kind of hard to get a good shot of davis and her dress and have it look somewhat natural.  so here are my attempts.  on a side note, i was trying to remember when marley stopped sleeping in her moses basket and being swaddled.  my memory sucks, so i could not for the life of me remember.  then i realized, hey!  i kept a journal of sorts.  so i pulled out my printed copy of this blog and there was all the info i needed.  which just as an fyi, was right about at the age davis is now.  funny thing though.  when marley was davis's age and length she weighed almost a full two pounds less!  so i guess it's not just the cloth diapers making her butt look big...it's all that muscle she's packing.  i know it's a lot of photos, but i don't edit myself well.  i'm her mother and i think she looks adorable in all of them.  plus i love to see all the different faces she makes, however subtle the change might be.  =)

weird angle, but that is a happy girl


a ginger maybe?

she totally looks like a ginger here, but maybe it's wishful thinking

"seriously lady?  enough already"

getting concerned about all of this

she loves her sophie

sweet tiny fingers
i can't believe i forgot to mention the big exciting news!  ben's guitars are being carried (and hopefully sold) at the new music shop in downtown brenham!!!  it's pretty awesome.  i'll keep updating about the progress of it all.

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